Monday, October 29, 2012

The Digital Pitch

Building a personal brand has historically been dominated by celebrities and professional athletes, so what's the value in putting energy in "little ol' me's brand"?  Think of it more like the digital-age version of the the elevator pitch.  It's answering the question "tell me about yourself" but without saying a word.

Harvard Business School has a site dedicated to the Art of Pitchcraft.

Give 'em your best pitch!

"Whether you are trying to raise capital, promote your company, or promote yourself, it's essential to have an elevator pitch.  You need to communicate your main message quickly, clearly, and distinctly to someone who doesn't even know you... a good pitch takes planning and practice to deliver..."
But with the accessibility of social media, who rarely doesn't know somebody?  Admit it- you've Facebook stalked, I mean who hasn't?! The first thing my boss does before an interview is look them up on Facebook or LinkedIn.  You can have it set to strict privacy but with all the content means and changing policies, there's bound to have that one embarassing photo slip through.  And face it Human Resources have accessibility to "special" tools readily available to view so-called "private" content. 

Regardless if you are trying to advance your career or you're looking for a job, you should be presenting yourself, talents, and interests with your best cyber-foot forward.  Social Media is now your digital portfolio- professionally and personally.  This doesn't mean you have to untag every photo from a fun Friday night with a drink in hand (depending on your line of business), but you should  think twice about any tags or posts of potential controversy- an overboard night, political views, religious views, etc.

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