Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Social Media RxD

Social Media has become the most efficient, effective, and inexpensive means of Marketing in the CrossFit industry, amongst most other industries.  Athletes use SM to gain a following and make themselves more marketable to sponsors.  Affiliates use it to keep in touch with the CF community and their own community.  Brands use it as free advertising and customer service. 
Who are some exceptional users of SM?

Shaquille O'Neal (Athlete): Shaq was one of the pioneers to use SM as a tool to become more marketable as an athlete (as if his championships weren't enough).  With the help of a Digital Media company, in 2011 Shaq released a video of his retirement to his fans that went viral. 
More Followers/Views= More Influence= Higher Marketability= More Sponsors= More $
Check out his video HERE

Christmas Abbott (Athlete): In the CF world, Christmas hasn't ever won the CF Games but she has over 12K followers on Twitter (a whole lot in comparison to other CF competitors).  She's authentic in her tweets meaning they're always in her own voice and and she answers her followers questions on a daily basis.

CrossFit Mission Gorge (Affiliate): I don't follow every box but I do follow many, as I'm sure there are many boxes with a great SM plan, CFMG is one of them.  They're on all 3 of most popular means of SM in our community (most other businesses value LinkedIn over the latter 2)- Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.  Besides using SM to post the daily WOD, they use it as a means of customer service to deliver important box news, class cancellations, new products in stock, food orders, etc.  They boost their community by showing off their community- photos, events, athlete of the month, testimonials, etc.  One of my favorite things they do is at the end of the month they post a photo of their PR Board and ask their members to tag themselves if they are on the board.  Simple, effective way to give their members a sense of accomplishment and also spread their name to their members' followers.


Negativity (Many):  I thought about calling out negative uses on SM but 2 wrongs don't make a right.  We saw that last week with the SoCal Regional incident; an athlete posted negative about 'no reps' at an event, CFG posted the 'Dave Castro: Rules Clarification' and then hate comments pursued.  Remember what your mom told you in elementary school, "If you have nothing nice to say, don't say it all."

Non-existent (Many): The real DNF'ers here are the non-existent, the ones who don't believe in SM.  Even those who think just communicating on 1 type of SM are missing out.  Each medium has it's advantages and disadvantages so its important to keep in touch on at least the 3 major ones.  I've heard repeatedly Twitter is a dying fad, if you need proof why it's not then read my 'About the Author' section. 

Social Media is FREE Marketing, Advertising, Customer Service, PR, etc. for you and your Brand.

Click here to read more about building your Personal Brand

For more MarketingRxD tips and services email

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