Thursday, June 20, 2013

Marketing On Ramp

Marketing 101 to build your brand seems pretty simple but can easily be overlooked or forgotten.  Since most affiliate owners can teach you how to squat but not necessarily know how to place an effective media buy, here's a Marketing On Ramp reminder to help make your affiliate become more recognizable in the CrossFit Community.

Logo: Design your logo and don't change it= brand recognition!
Colors: Ever heard of Invictus' Sea of Green?  Despite having phenomenal athletes, they've also mastered selecting a color and sticking to it, they stand out in the crowd.
2013 SoCal Regional- Brick in Orange and Invitus' Sea of Green

Slogan/Tagline:  All I have to say is "Just do it," and it still doesn't get old.

Logo: Illegible logos; for example- script logos look cool but often are hard to read.
Colors: Refreshing your colors each time you order t-shirts throughout the year, then that big event comes and 1/4 of your box is in red, 1/4 in black, and 1/2 in blue. Mixed colors doesn't give that unified community vibe, besides it messes up the team photo too!
Slogan/Tagline: If you change this then what does your box stand for? What's your statement?  What else will you #hashtag?

Want to make a statement at the next event, Regionals, or the Games? Keep your box's logo, colors, and tagline the same but add a unique component.  Example: At the 2013 SoCal Regional, did you notice these shades?
2013 SoCal Regional- Jarett Perelmutter, Brick CrossFit
For more advice on making your affiliate successful and profitable, email.

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